Download tomb raider 3 pc

Change language. Install Steam. Your Store Your Store. Categories Categories. Special Sections. Player Support. Community Hub. Tomb Raider III. Core Design. Square Enix. Thousands of years ago a meteor crashed into Antarctica and the shockwaves of its impact are being felt in the modern age.

Lara Croft will follow clues leading to a deadly secret, boldly leaping chasms and blasting monsters that no one has leaped or blasted before. Enemies either sneak up on Lara or are placed around dark corners providing for some Resident Evil style jump-out-of-your-underwear surprises.

The levels look great when they are lit, and the textures are much-improved. After successfully completing the first mission, you can now choose which area Lara will explore next; London, Area 51, or the South Pacific. Choices are always good. But, if you need more proof that Tomb Raider 3 sucks, check out the back of the CD box. Uhhh, what? Last time I checked, RS reviewed music, not games. Plus this is the exact same comment that's on the back of the Tomb Raider Greatest Hits edition box.

Fishing for praise anywhere you can find it, eh? If you're fiending for some more Lara, and I mean absolutely jonesin' For the other Or better yet, forget about Lara Croft altogether. I know, I know, you'll be moping around the house for weeks humming "Hard Habit to Break" with visions of the buxom beauty in your head.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC? Contact: , done in 0. Search a Classic Game:. More fool you. The game looks better, and it should play better too.

What more do you want? And face facts: you'll be buying it anyway come Christmas. Now shut up and look at the pictures. Christ, we'd forgotten how annoying the Tomb Raider games are. They're enough to drive you mad. We haven't hurled abuse at the screen with such frequency and ferocity since the last series of Celebrity Ready Steady Cook. Can anyone name a more frustrating series of games? It's a wonder Lara Croft commands the kind of stellar celebrity she does when you consider how much hard cheese you're force-fed at every stage of every level.

It doesn't let you down gently, it punches you as hard as it can, smack on the nose. Miss a jump and you don't just have to run back and try it again, you have to sit back and watch as Ms Croft breaks every bone in her body or gets skewered on a huge row of spikes.

And then you reload and try again. And again and again. And again. And before long you're swearing out loud each time you mess things up. And grinding your teeth and clenching your fists. The game slowly reduces you to a shivering coil of concentrated rage. And this is popular? The reward's the thing, of course. When you finally make it - that moment when Lara clears the gorge or dodges the booby trap; makes it to her destination without falling victim to some sudden, hideous misfortune - you feel good.

You have achieved. You are the man. Of course, the sad reality away from the screen - that you're fat, spotty, elbow-deep in mouldering pizza boxes, pitied by friends and shunned by neightbours - tends to puncture the bubble of inflated self-esteem within seconds.

So you go back for more. You keep playing and playing, like some sick junkie. In real terms, of course, you are achieving absolutely nothing; you're slumped In front of a monitor, pushing buttons like a lab monkey. But somehow you just can't give it up. The damn thing's stolen your concentration. And therein lies the power of the Tomb Raider trilogy.

Yes, trilogy. Lara's notched up her third adventure. Tomb Raider III is here and it's Which should please the mathematicians no end. It's several years since the first episode introduced Ms Croft to a slavering, slack-jawed gaming populace, and if truth be told not that much has changed since then. Not miles behind, but a fair distance from the likes of Half-Life or the upcoming Galleon. A couple of years ago the PSX was where it was at: it had smooth and sophisticated 30 that put PCs of the day to shame.

Now it's switcheroo. With outstandingly fast systems on sale at absurdly low prices, the PC games of today rock bells; and they look better than N64 titles. PlayStation games seem increasingly samey, all melding into one technically antiquarian whole, just as Megadrive games did before them. But if you want to make any money, writing games for the Sony platform is a must. Therefore, the programmers on Tomb Raider III had to ensure that every level, every enemy animation, every AI routine could squeeze inside the PlayStation's limited mind as well as the PC's superior one.

Which is why this game isn't state-of-the-art. So it's not going to blow your socks off. Well boo bleedin' hoo. It's still a good game. The other advantage, of course, is that you don't need a PC fresh off the shelf to run it - a P with a 3D card should handle things nicely. Which is music to the ears of thousands of low-spec gamers. Decent lighting effects, weather, a rounder backside for Lara Which is no mean feat. There are cracks in the fagade for example, the opening Indian jungle section feels disappointingly boxy and contrived , but on the whole there's far more scope and variety of levels than before.

The Nevada desert looks like the Nevada desert actually it looks more like Utah or Arizona, but let's not fall out over State lines ; Antarctica is a pile-up of blizzards and icebergs; and the London Underground section is surprisingly authentic right down to the ever-present threat of violence. The stages are larger than before too, and are packed with more hidden areas, architectural red herrings and ugly surprises than ever before.

We'll admit this all comes as a bit of a surprise. When we heard Tomb Raider III ms being fashioned by a different team to the people responsible for the first two games, we were An early visit to Core Design's offices in Derby didn't shed much light on things either - Lara's world was still being 'built', and much of what we saw consisted of our heroine scampering around a world of textureless cubes and triangles.

The most significant thing about Tomb Raider III, it seemed, were the new costumes and the way Lara's ponytail swayed in the wind. But we wuz wrong. The new team have clearly worked their arses off despite a tightening deadline, and have bettered the first two games as a result - an almost superhuman achievement when you consider how cleveriy designed they were.

Each journey is accompanied by moving through deadly territories, solving puzzles, stealthy exploration of enemy terrains and scenic. Tomb Raider is no ordinary archaeologist, and her life is constantly connected to ancient artifacts and terrorist groups.

Going to ancient tombs, the protagonist will encounter legendary treasures, forgotten knowledge and mystical artifacts. She will always encounter guards or other seekers trying to obtain unusual powers, following long-standing manuscripts. The Music of Tomb Raider has collected the definitive soundracks for all the games. Visit their Community Discography page for details and downloads.

Tomb Raider 3 Downloads. Custom Search. Escapeplay Video Player If you are unable to see the video sequences at the start of the game and between certain levels, or if you just want to watch them again, you may want to download EscapePlay KB to watch the movies outside the game. Disabling the Windows Key Accidentally pressing the Windows Start Menu key probably won't crash the TR3 game, but it can be annoying, especially during complicated platforming sequences.

Instructions are included in the 'readme' text file accompanying the download. Link is to the WKey Disabler page on Codeplex. It fixes various issues, including missing textures, invisible walls, level looping, AWE64 sound issues, etc. For details see here. Note that there are different versions of this patch for various countries. This is the North American patch.


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